Pastor Graham's Enduring Faith Ministry in Homebush Bay ( from 1993) had it's origins in 1972
whilst he was a Student at University of NSW.
He attended a prayer meeeting with YWAM praying through the night
praying that the authorities would allow the YWAM Christian Ministry to share their faith in Christ.
with the rest of the world we were shocked at the Munich masacre of some members of the Israele team
and we prayed
YWAM was alloweed to hold a procession sharing the love of Christ with a grieving crowd.
He continued praying from Sydney.
Thus his first experience of international links for ministry.
whilst he was a Student at University of NSW.
He attended a prayer meeeting with YWAM praying through the night
praying that the authorities would allow the YWAM Christian Ministry to share their faith in Christ.
with the rest of the world we were shocked at the Munich masacre of some members of the Israele team
and we prayed
YWAM was alloweed to hold a procession sharing the love of Christ with a grieving crowd.
He continued praying from Sydney.
Thus his first experience of international links for ministry.